Snow, snow go away!
Well, I am confident that Spring is on the way. Above Oni is thinking "What is this cold white stuff on my nose."
Our snow is all melted and we have had some lovely weather, still cold but better. Not much news this month. John is in NYC and I'm looking forward to my yearly trip to SC at the end of March.
Happy Birthday John
Birthday wishes go out to John!!!
Happy Birthday Twin
Best wishes Twin for your special day!
Twin celebrating her birthday with a birthday dinner. Not pictured are Mikey and Larissa.
Kim in Chicago for a work related trip and she met up with Emma for cocktails.
Cool pic of Mikey
Supporting SC Economy
Three new vehicles for the Mitsuoka family. This is Takeshi's new 2025 Toyota hybrid
Amy bought a 2025 Nissan Kicks
and Allison a 2024 Nissan Kicks also
Pet Shenanigans
Saki looking very regal
Oni in black in white
Now that looks comfy....Iris
Apollo alway photogenic.
John reaching his 29th birthday brought back memories of various CFRs
See you next month with pictures of John's trip to NYC