Friday, May 31, 2024

Carney Family Newsletter for May

 Guilty on all Counts

Grateful and Gratified

We are officially into summer and all our travelin adventures are over for now. I hurt my back but at least my garden is looking beautiful. The roses are blooming and the clematis as well. I hope that everyone is ready to have a relaxing summer.

Heads up! After the newsletter there are 2 more postings......John's Japanese vacation and Amy and Takeshi's cruisin' vacation .....don't miss them

Happy Birthday Tim

Sending wishes for a great birthday from all of us!

Father and Son

The golfing tradition continues.....Grandpa is proud of you two!

Kansas team
Myrtle Beach team



About 8 months ago Twin and Mike made the decision to put Saki to sleep with the angels. She was old and sick but nonetheless she has been missed 

A few weeks ago they lost Ginger due to a tragic accident. We are sending all of our sympathy as we know what a loss it is to lose a pet, a member of the family

Good Luck Allison
On your new job

Tim and Kim

Pet Shenanigans
Suki in Chicago

Before and After

Thank you Tim!
Thank you Tim!


See you all next month

Cruisin' the Bahamas


Pictures tell the story of a wonderful cruising vacation 

                                               Behind the scenes tour and picture with the captain

Amy, scuba diving

Amy and Takeshi
May 2024

John's Trip to Japan


John had a real adventure traveling Japan with friends. He was able to get together with his family as well. The trip started in Hokkaido on the island of Sapporo. They visited Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto. Above, through the clouds,  is Mt. Fuji 

Dinner with family and traveling friends
With cousin Ayaka, cousin Yumika and John's Aunt Miyumi
With cousin Yumika who visited Myrtle beach several years ago.
This is Miyumi, Takeshi's sister

at the airport headed home.