Friday, January 31, 2025

Carney Family Newsletter for January 2025

 and here we are.......

January 2025

I am glad that January is over....what a month. Our beloved Lions bit the dust, our federal government is going down the tubes and the weather sucks. Lol, I'm not usually so negative but it's hard to take one disappointment after another. 
Weather is the big story this month. The Kansas side of the family got hit by 10 inches of snow closing down everything in the area. Then, SC got 4 inches of unprecedented snow. We were trying to remember the last time it snowed and I remember the kids were little. They got out to build a snowman and then it all melted by afternoon. Not this snowfall. It stuck around for 4 days. Since snow is such a novelty there, everyone enjoyed the event.  


Snow in the South!
A perfect snow angel created by Allison
Are you warm enough Jacob?
Amy, all bundled up

Pool side deck
When you put out a flag like this what do you expect?


Amy and Takeshi visiting warmer climes.....look at those blue skies
Bahamas and Princess Kays

Amy ran into one of her

Bike tour

Then and Now

Goodbye and Goodnight

see you next month.....I don't think that I'll like February any better!

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Carney Family Newsletter for December


Just a short note to wish you all a very Happy New Year. All the Christmas news is in a separate post so keep scrolling after this.

Congratulations Liam!
Sending good wishes your way, Liam. We are all so proud of you!

Amy Ready to Party

I always loved work parties

As you probably know, Mike and Twin kept two of the puppies....JJ and Oni. Recently JJ ran away from home and despite a massive search has not been seen since. She is really missed by her Mom and 
Dad and her sister.

Michigan Central Train Station
While home for the holidays, Emma did a tour of the beautiful restored train station

All decked out for the holidays

One of these days Mike, you are going to have to choose sides.

Happy whatever day!  Thank you Mike for your technical advice regarding this newsletter
See you all next month.......

Carney Family Christmas 2024

Merry Christmas To All

By  the look of all these Christmas photos, we all had a great holiday season. No white Christmas but the best part was we all had our families together. I want to thank all of you for all the Christmas presents!  I received so many great gifts. A special thanks to Tim and Kim for hosting Christmas Eve....good food, lots of laughs and an overflow of holiday spirit!

..... and somewhere in Kansas Santa made a Christmas morning stop

....and Santa didn't miss this house in South Carolina either

Allison and Jacob's pretty tree

.....and Christmas Eve in Michigan was also on Santa's list

Christmas Shenanigans 
Suki all dressed up for Christmas.....he's such a good sport to get in the holiday spirit

Apollo being a good little kitty by not messing with the tree

Iris looking her cutest....I'm sure Santa left something for her

Kitsue looking so handsome

and pretty little Oni  shining in the sunshine

Christmas Archives

The end....goodbye 2024